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Graphic Designing

Graphic Design

These are some of my recent works during my employment at Kriya, where I utilized my graphic design skills to create social media content, app presentations, and marketing materials such as posters and banners.

Postingan 18-1_3x.png
Postingan 3_3x-20.jpg
Postingan 1-1_3x-20.jpg
POSTINGAN 48_3x.png
Lesson 3-1_3x-20.jpg
Lesson 2-3_3x-20.jpg
Giant Banner 1_0.75x.png
(Feeds) Hampers Promo 1_3x.png

© 2023 by Imam Kurnia Hermansyah.

Amazingly created with help from

  • LinkedIn
  • Instagram
  • Behance
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